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This document describes practical considerations for the successful implementation of FluxTag in realworld environments. It offers step-by-step instructions and best practices for streamlining the production of Tag bar codes, verifying barcode behavior in the field, ensuring a superior user experience, and making the most of Tag reporting tools.

Everyone creating and working with Tag should read this guide to help ensure smooth and cost-effective Tag creation and implementation.

FluxTag Positioning

Print Guidelines

  • As-is Printing. You must print or display the Tag and its surrounding white space exactly as rendered by the Tag system.
  • Clear Space. The white space surrounding the Tag image must be equal in width to the height of the black bar at the bottom of the Tag. You must not obscure or encroach in this space in your materials, or else the Tag may not be readable.
    Minimum vs. Relative Size Requirements. Normal five-line Tags must be printed or displayed at a size of at least 3/4" x 3/4" relative to the user. Black and white Tags must be printed or displayed at a size of at least 7/8" x 7/8" relative to the user. These minimum size requirements include the white space around the Tag. These minimum sizes have proven to work well with the entire current range of camera phones, although higher-end phones with better lenses may be able to scan Tags at much smaller sizes.